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AOD-9604 & Frag-176-191 Protocols For Bodybuilding

AOD-9604 & Frag-176-191 Protocols For Bodybuilding
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AOD-9604 and Frag 176-191 are peptides renowned in the bodybuilding community for their effective fat-burning capabilities while keeping you healthy and side-effect-free. Despite their different names, these peptides share remarkable similarities in their benefits and side effects and are almost identical in their chemical structure. So much so that they’re often mislabeled as one another by the vendors selling them.

Both are derived from Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and are specifically designed to promote fat loss.

What are AOD-9604 and Frag 176-191?

HGH has many functions in the body and is made up of 191 amino acids. One of the functions of HGH is to induce the breakdown of fats through a process known as lipolysis. Out of its 191 amino acid chain, the portion responsible for lipolysis is from the 176th to the 191st amino acids.

AOD-9604 is a fragment of the HGH amino acid chain, spanning from the 177th to 191st amino acids, with an added tyrosine. Frag 176-191, similarly, comprises the 176th to 191st amino acids of the HGH chain. These peptides isolate the fat-loss aspect of GH, eliminating other properties.


The primary benefit of both AOD-9604 and Frag 176-191 is fat loss through the induction of lipolysis, a process that breaks down stored fat into usable energy substrates.

Lipolysis is the biochemical process of breaking down the stored fat in the body into smaller components like fatty acids and glycerol, which can be utilized as an energy source for various bodily functions. Lipolysis can only be induced by fasting, but certain hormones, like norepinephrine, HGH, cortisol, and others, will have an effect. 

In a nutshell these peptides will allow you to burn a more fat and use it as energy while you are fasted.

While users claim these peptides have additional benefits like increased IGF-1 levels, improved sleep, appetite, and lower cholesterol, these claims aren’t supported by scientific data.

The sole proven property of these peptides is fat loss. [1]

Side Effects

AOD-9604 and Frag 176-191 are known for having minimal side effects. The most common side effect is a mild increase in blood glucose levels, which doesn’t lead to long-term insulin resistance and was proven to be safe. [2]

You can find said study at the very bottom of this article in the “References” section.

Incorrect injection techniques can lead to scar tissue buildup and other minor and inconsequential injection-site-related issues.

Dosage Protocols

These peptides are very specific when it comes to dosing and following the right protocol, and a small slip-up can jeopardize their effects and completely waste them. So a strict dosage schedule is crucial for effectiveness.

For AOD-9604 and Frag-176-191, the recommended dosage is 500mcg per day, divided into two injections.

The first injection of 250mcg should be in the morning on an empty stomach, followed by a 4-hour fast.

The second injection of 250mcg should be before bedtime, at least 3-4 hours after the last meal.

It is recommended to cycle these peptides for 20 days on, followed by 10 days off. This is what has been shown to work throughout the anecdotal data online as well as on my own experiments with myself and clients.

The same protocol is applicable to both male and female athletes.

Unlike with other PEDs, where if you miss something, you’ll still get results, with these peptides, you either get it right and get amazing results or you miss something and get absolutely no benefits at all.

You have to be strict with the morning fast; if you break the 4-hour fast even by 1 calorie, you will ruin the effects. Don’t take any supplements during the fast. The fillers and oils in capsules could potentially ruin the effects of the peptide. Oral administration is also an option, but the bioavailability is lower, so you’d have to take a 2-4x dose, which can get costly as these peptides aren’t cheap.

If you want to maximize their effects, it is recommended to do exercise or cardio during the morning fasting period following the injection.

Anecdotal Controversy

If you go to bodybuilding groups or forums online, you’ll soon find that people either love or hate these peptides. Many simply don’t use them properly, or they unknowingly buy bunk or fake products from shady companies.

If you look at users that got good-quality Frag-176-191 and AOD-9604 and followed a proper protocol proven to work, you’ll find that they were mind-blown at how effective they were was for helping them lose fat.

Injection Technique

Both peptides are administered through subcutaneous injections, typically in the lower belly fat area.


  1. Wash your hands
  2. Clean the rubber stopper on the reconstituted peptide vial with alcohol
  3. Insert the needle into the vial slowly
  4. Turn the vial upside down and slowly pull the desired amount while making sure there are no major air bubbles or air gaps in between
  5. Disinfect injection site
  6. On the injection site, pinch the skin and lift up
  7. Insert the needle at a 90- or 45-degree angle
  8. Slowly press the plunger and inject the peptide into your subcutaneous fat
  9. Remove the needle and dispose of it accordingly!
  10. Disinfect and massage the area with an alcohol wipe
  11. Done!


AOD-9604 and Frag 176-191 offer a targeted approach to fat loss, making them popular in the bodybuilding community. Their similarity in structure and function means that advice and experiences regarding one often apply to the other. When used correctly and following the recommended protocols, they can effectively promote fat loss with minimal side effects.


1. Benefits & Fat Loss:

2. Side Effects:

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