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Deca Dick: Why It Happens & How to Solve It!

Deca Dick: Why It Happens & How to Solve It!

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“Deca dick” is a term used to describe the propensity of Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) to cause erectile dysfunction, even when one is using a test base and has a healthy sex drive, positive mood and high energy levels.

Reason 1: dihydronandrolone (DHN)

As you know, Testosterone 5-alpha-reduces into a highly androgenic metabolite known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for sex drive and sexual function in men.

Well, Deca also 5-alpha-reduces into a similar metabolite, known as dihydronandrolone (DHN). The problem, however, is that DHN is barely androgenic, meaning that it does not stimulate sex drive and sexual function like DHT would.

When one is using, for example, 200mg/wk of Testosterone + 400mg/wk of Deca, DHN dominates over DHT, and because it is barely androgenic, it is unable to stimulate sexual function, resulting in “Deca Dick”.


The solution? You should always use a Test dose equal to or greater than your Deca dose. This is the only way to guarantee that your DHT levels can offset your DHN levels and exert their androgenic, pro-sexual function properties.

Reason 2: prolactin

But this is not the only mechanism of action by which Deca causes erectile dysfunction. As you may know, Deca has progestogenic properties, meaning that it can increase prolactin levels.

Prolactin is a “female hormone”, and it can cause sexual dysfunction, gyno, lactation and lethargy when it skyrockets.


Therefore, when running a high dose of Deca, one should not only make sure his Test dose is equal to it (or greater), but one should also use something to combat high prolactin levels.

You have 3 options to choose from:

  • Vitamin B6 (P5P) at 100mg/day: This only works with lower doses of Deca, because it isn’t strong enough to keep your prolactin levels under control when blasting Deca.
  • Cabergoline at 0.5mg twice a week: Very effective, tends to improve mood and sexual function as well, but is dangerous for the heart.
  • Pramipexole at 0.125mg every other day: Very effective, won’t improve mood and sexual function as much as Caber (or at all), but it won’t damage the heart either.
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